February 26, 2007

They came, they were drawn, they laid an egg

Today marked the end of the Daily Monster series. Monster No. 100 was posted this morning, and a wonderful monster it was! I hope you all noticed the viola music that Stefan included! Yesterday he asked me if I would quickly write something to be used with the animation of his final monster, and what you heard on the video was a result of his challenge. Of course, I do know that it is not my best playing, nor brilliant music by any account, but I am pretty proud of it, and extremely excited that Stefan gave me such a wonderful opportunity.

Following is Monster No. 100's story. Tomorrow I will resume posting on different subject matter. Hope you like it!

Monsters, as we all know, are a very rare sight to behold. Their population, while not yet small enough to be classified as "endangered" is on the decline. The very rare glimpses that are afforded the lucky human are few and far between, and the idea of encountering one every day is extraordinarily far fetched. Yet, somehow, the last few months have proved miraculous, and we lucky few have seen one hundred of these rarities. They are a sight to behold, indeed! While it is has been fun to view monster after monster, we all knew it would only be a matter of time before we had seen them all. One hundred days later, and the fears of many have been realized! There is, however, hope! The birth of a new monster brings with it the promise of a grand future. The monster population as we now know it will grow at a rate of one monster per week. How exciting this is! While an era of daily monster sightings has come to a close, we humans know that it won't be long before the next one makes an appearance.

We shall be waiting, little one.

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