February 26, 2007

A quickie for the whetting of thy appetite

Hi all. I am not posting anything of real significance tonight due to a large amount of homework, but I did just want to pop by to say hello and let you know what is to come tomorrow.

As I am sure most of you have noticed by now, my attempt at a serial novel failed. I may return to it in the future, but for now will be substituting it with another project, which I feel you will enjoy. For those of you who attend NCSA, you know who my roommate is. For everyone else, allow me to provide you with a bit of an introduction. His name is Edd, and he tends to make up words all day long. Most of the time, these made-up tidbits are simply annoying, but on the rare occasion, they are funny (in a did-he-actually-just-say-that sort of way). So, beginning tomorrow, I will be starting a new project, affectionately titled "Daily Eddism". Each day, I will post a word or phrase that Edd has made up, and talk about it for a bit. (Oh, and do not fret! I will also be making an additional post each day unrelated to my roommate. For those of you fortunate enough to have a faculty for mathematics, that means that I will be making two posts every day! Yipee!)

That is all for now. I'll catch you tomorrow.

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